Content on

One might be thinking what kind of content will be posted on here. Well, I am not sure yet myself either. Probably some gaming, AI, personal interest, experience, and so on.

Ideas for the website itself

I want to be transparent with you and share you my upcoming ideas to this site:

  • share button at bottom of post tidy up: change twitter to X, etc

  • give “share button at bottom” buttons css styling

  • give “navigate to other post” buttons css styling

  • something has to happen to the theme change button

  • home hover effect

  • maybe #2c8181 everywhere. looks sick

  • Socials links on the side of /posts

  • scrolling up a bit show header again?

  • projects page

I don’t care about formatting right now, sorry.

Eventually, if possible, I will add an option to add comments to these posts.

Finishing touches

Get trsted.